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L.O.C. Name: Timeaus

Pronounced: Ti-may-us
Name meaning: Honor
Gender: Male
Rank: Oasis Council Member

Height: 15'

Parents: Unknown
Siblings: None
Sexuality: Straight
Crush: None
Mate: None
Cubs: None


When you first meet Timeaus, he appears to be a cold, cruel male. His appearance gives away that of an ambitious lion who would do anything for power. However, his personality is not like this at all. While he is oftentimes silent, he cares a lot for his people and is more than happy to offer advice when he feels like a lion needs it. He is extremely sweet and charming, and when you get to know him, you realize he has a very innocent soul. He tends to be very observant, even if he doesn't say anything about his observations. Because of this, Timaeus often knows more than most people think. Very rarely does this male become violent or enraged, however, when he does he is a fierce opponent due to the years he spent training and mastering his elements. This anger is usually only caused when the oasis itself or a member of the oasis is threatened or hurt, as he feels extremely protective of his home and those who live in it. However, when enraged he can be immensely destructive. His elements work together so they are not unstable, however, when upset, he can lose control of that stability if he does not focus.


Lightning is an extremely unstable element. By itself, it is hard to control and the lion with such a gift can risk hurting oneself or others. However, due to his secondary element being thunder, Timeaus has almost complete control over this element. This was not achieved immediately, although over time he learned how to use his other element to make lightning more stable. It can be more unpredictable, especially when he is upset. With this ability, Timeaus can harness the temperature of the sun in a strike of lightning and send it down towards an unsuspecting lion.


This is a powerful element that not only allows him to stabilize his other element but fight as well. With this element, he can create sound waves with a simple flick of his paw. How loud these waves are varied, however, it can range from loud enough to paralyze, to loud enough to kill or cause a lion to go deaf permanently.  This is a mastered element of his, one that he has the most control over out of his duel elements. When fighting, he relies heavily on this element and uses lightning only when necessary. When using this element in training, it is only at a fraction of its normal strength and sound. His intention is not to paralyze, kill, or deafen, therefore he'd prefer to stick with stunning.

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