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L.O.C. Name: Kronos
Pronounced: ---
Name meaning: Kronos is a greek mythology name.
Gender: Male
Age: 400 years
Rank: Warrior - Fighter

Height: 15'

Parents: Deceased
Siblings: Eos (Sister)
Sexuality: Straight
Crush: None
Mate: None
Cubs: Amoris (Adopted)


With all his faults, Kronos is a very dedicated lion. He takes any task set upon him with the up most seriousness. If he has made it his goal to do as you ask without fail, you will find it is rare that he doesn’t succeed in his task. Not because of his talents, but because of his dedication to do his job until it is done right. Kronos isn’t an easy nut to crack to say the least. For the most part, he keeps his emotions hidden from the world and shows them only to a few. He finds it hard to put into words his emotions or opinions. With Hyperion they were not needed, but with the pride they are more than allowed. He found this sudden change hard to adapt to and is unsure if he desires to change it. Being raised with Hyperion, Kronos learned having pity for others is a waste of time. Pain is a natural part of life, you lose family, get hurt, betrayed, killed and so much more… He was trained to be numb to a majority of pain, specifically the pain of others or his own pain. It was believed to make him a better warrior, and thus he has adapted this philosophy to his life. To go along with being Callous, Kronos has a very sadistic nature. While he isn’t likely to go out of his way to hurt someone on a daily basis, he has an eerie pleasure that comes from fighting, arguing or upsetting someone in general. This has made some lions feel uncomfortable around him. Kronos is a very imaginative male. Coming up with quick solutions to problems and witty comebacks, he doesn't exactly know where to stop. His mind seems to be always working and processing the environment around him, looking for advantages or possible outcomes.


How does one feel about death? Especially if you have the ability to manipulate it to your will. Me? I simultaneously feel terrified and excited every time I use my abilities. I think a small part of me will always be that scared cub Hyperion found, frightened of death and its capabilities because of everything that’s happened. No matter how I seem to take pleasure from using my element, a small part of me is terrified I’ll lose everything I care about because of what I could do and who I might become. And it has taken a lot of time to bury that feeling deep down inside myself, to push on and use this ability to its fullest extent because I was taught to. To look and feel as I do when I fight, because no matter where I go or how much I change, I will never show the fear that comes along with death.

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