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L.O.C. Name: Tanith
Pronounced: --
Name meaning: Tanith is derived from Semitic roots, meaning "serpent lady". It was the name of the Phoenician goddess of love, fertility, the moon, and the stars. 
Gender: Female
Age: 200 years
Rank: Warrior - Distractor

Height: 11'2'


While Tanith is a sweetheart, she cares deeply about her family and would protect them with her life. Her loyalty is said to be limitless. Once you have earned her loyalty, you can count on her to be there for you no matter what. 
Tanith has dedication beyond belief. Once she has set her mind to something, nothing could change it. Be it a goal she has set upon herself, an idea, something she’d like to do, anything. This has caused her to be considered a trouble maker in the pride and has not helped the view many have on her and her siblings.
Having been raised by such a cruel group has not damaged Tanith’s kindness. She is friendly to all who meet her and shows them the same respect she would love to be shown in return. When in the Rebels she would hide it, as it was a sign of weakness. In the pride, she openly shows it. She has a heart for others and is not ashamed for it.
Tanith’s humor has likely been inherited from Taranath if anyone. She is a bit of a jokester and is known for her quick-witted jokes and harmless pranks. They are meant for laughter and amusement, not to harm or hurt others. She finds herself happy when she succeeds in making others laugh or smile, as it lifts their spirits and makes them happy... If only for a moment.
Ambition, in Tanith’s opinion, is not to be feared. It is having the desire and determination to succeed in what you attempt to accomplish. Yet others wouldn’t see it as much when it comes to herself. As the cub of rebels, she is watched and viewed as a possible threat by many. Being ambitious might be good for training or a task you set upon yourself, yet if focused on being used for the rebels it could be disastrous. 
Tanith shows confidence in herself. When one views her, they see a young lioness who doesn’t care about what anyone else thinks or says. Her mask is often seen as confidence, yet few would know better. It is a defense and shield, a way of refusing to show the world how much it has hurt her. While she is confident in her abilities, one word about where she was born is enough to almost shatter her. 

​She has learned to be polite and respectful. This way of behaving has been taught to her by the rebels, as disrespect was not tolerated among them. She continues to behave this way in the pride, as she respects many lions around her.
While polite and respectful, Tanith is extremely social and loves to spend time with others. She can be described as talkative and easy to speak with. She tends to talk with just about anyone, but is known to avoid those who distrust her due to where she was born.
Tanith tends to put on a mask in front of others. This persona of a confident lioness who doesn’t care what others think or say. It is a lie of course. Their words hurt her and break her down inside until she feels like there is nothing left. In this state, she truly only feels comfortable being around her family as they know how to best lift her spirits.

Parents: Deceased
Siblings: Iniko, Vidar, and Sephara
Sexuality: Straight
Crush: None
Mate: None
Cubs: None


My element is the last thing that connects me with my mother. When I use my abilities it reminds me of her and her strength. After arriving in the pride, I found comfort in training with my element. I have grown to enjoy every moment of practice, and I have become dedicated to being the best warrior because of it.

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