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L.O.C. Name: Khalíl
Pronounced: kh-uh-l-ee-l
Name meaning: Friend
Gender: Male
Rank: Healer

Height: 13'5'

Parents: Romulus and Celestine
Siblings: Crossroad, Sake, Vernson
Sexuality: Straight
Crush: Look below
Mate: Orlatih
Cubs: None


Khalíl thinks outside the box, relying on creative thinking for problem solving and projects of his own. He can often be seen lost in thought about some fictional idea or fantasy. The subjects of these ideas are known almost only by him, as he doesn't often speak of his ideas to others. He is slow to get close to others, and tends stay by himself most of the time. He likes the company of others, but only a chosen few. Most think he is shy, though he just prefers to keep his thoughts and feelings to himself most of the time. Very few manage to get much from him, but those who can are close friends and family. While often soft spoken, he is dedicated to no end. Give him a project or challenge him to improve something and he will work with it until he cannot improve any more, or until a new challenge is presented. Most of the time, he can only focus on one thing. Which causes some to view him as obsessive, but he simply desires to do his best. Khalíl has shown himself to be extremely considerate of those he cares about, often putting their feelings above his own. He seems to almost always know when his friends are upset, hurt, or just need someone to listen. He is a rather selfless lion, often appearing to put his needs last as he makes sure others are cared for and appreciated. When he is not lost in thought, Khalíl observes nature and others. He sees beauty in life and makes sure to notice as many details as possible. To him, life is not something to be taken lightly. He can often read emotions based on body language and facial expressions. He is submissive to those in authority, willing to follow orders and help when needed. Yet, he has trouble speaking his mind to someone of higher rank than him. He does as he is told, no matter how he feels about his orders. 


Many would call the elemental gift of life a blessing, it helps others and saves lives to say the least. Yet, I find this ability to be bittersweet. True, using my ability to heal is the best feeling I could ever have, but it doesn’t help me in a fight. I sometimes try and create abilities that could be used for attacks and defense, though nothing have worked thus far. I’m not saying I don’t like my ability, I love it. Something about mending wounds gives me such a peaceful feeling. I just feel limited with it, almost… helpless. Still, I continue experimenting with my element in hopes to strengthen my skills and make me more prepared for what is to come. In all honesty, I am happy with my element. I couldn't imagine myself possessing another element, and in that I found peace. I've found
that just because my element is more limited in defensive or offensive fight styles, doesn't mean that I am. I've found that my physical fighting abilities can balance my element, and be the piece I'm missing.

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