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L.O.C. Name: Amoris
Pronounced: a-more-is
Name meaning: Love
Gender: Female
Rank: Cub

Height: 5'3'


Amoris is sweet and kindhearted. Her memories of her past life becoming more clear with each passing day, yet she has held no grudge against the pride for it. For what have they done against her? Her cruel past was of the actions of the air elemental, not the pride. She understands the lions in the pride are not responsible for the crimes committed against herself and the other lake cubs. For this reason, she has become open-minded to the pride’s ways. Adventurous, loyal and charming, she attempts to live her life to the fullest. The shyness that held her back socially as a young cub has almost completely left her. She is an independent, strong female who has learned her limits in combat and is a formidable foe to say the least. She has become sure of herself and her abilities, desiring to use them to best help those who have won her loyalty.


Amoris has spent a long time training with her element, mastering it as best she can. She feels completely comfortable with it, trusting in her abilities and desiring to share such trust with the cubs she trains. To her, her element represents peace and serenity. It can be both a harmless element and a dangerous one depending on how it is used, and for this she loves it. For her there is nothing more calming than manipulating water to her will.

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