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History part 1

I was born to a nomad family. My father had the death element, and my mother light. I was an only child for the first 7 years of my life, and in that time I had just begun my training with my parents. We were eager to discover my element, whichever one I would have.

It was at this time my little sister was born. An only cub in her litter, just like I was. She was such a small thing to me, yet even then I could see the gorgeous lioness she would become. From the first time I set my gaze on her, I felt protectiveness wash over me. This fire growing inside, becoming bigger and wilder each time I set my gaze on her. Yet, she would never even remember me….

It was dark, the stars glittering above providing such a small amount of light. I awoke to the eerie silence of the night. My mother and father already awake, both looking alert and listening for any noise. I stared groggily at them, confused as to why they seemed so tense. My parents shared eye contact for a moment, seemingly communicating telepathically as they appeared to share the same thought.
“Kronos,” my mother whispered to me, a frightened tone in her voice, “take your sister and hide!”
I appeared confused at her request, but obeyed none the less. Picking up my sister by the scruff of her neck and running off to my favorite hiding spot. It oversaw my home, but none have been able to find it beside myself. I crept through the darkness, not stopping for anything.
Looking out over my home, I saw the horrifying reason why my mother had told me to hide. A group of lions I couldn’t recognize had ambushed our home. My parents fought their hardest to hold them off, but I knew the odds were against them. I turned my gaze, unable to watch as my parents were finished off and the attackers searched through my home, searching for anyone else before departing. I laid beside my sister, fighting back an angered cry. Tears streamed down my face as I felt useless. It was this that caused my element to make its first appearances. I saw glowing blue lions beside me, my parents. They stayed with me through the night, encouraging me.

In the morning I awoke with only my sister beside me. I looked out over my home, the sight of two bodies in the distance brought fresh tears to my eyes. My parents’ voices whispered in my ear, encouraging me to go to the pride with my sister. I took a deep breath, picking my sister up by the scruff and leaving my secret hiding spot. I didn’t know where the pride was, but my parents guided me. 

History part 2

I traveled for what felt like ages, my only focus was my sister and making sure I arrived at the pride with her safe. I don’t think I could handle thinking of anything else. For a while I didn’t meet any lions on my way, either that or I was so focused on my goal I ignored any who crossed my path.
It was sunset when I first heard them. The roars of anger, pain and sorrow that filled the air. Something even I couldn’t ignore. I was tempted to see what the cause of it was, but my ghostly parents urged me to continue. I almost listened to them… Truly I did. But curiosity got the better of me, and off toward the sound I ventured. That was the biggest mistake of my life…
The sight before me was a horror to behold. Lions fighting each other, for power, revenge, blood… For what I did not know. The armor they wore shined bright in the fading sunlight, each unique as the lion wearing it. I found myself too close, way too close. I tried to turn back, but I was surrounded by lions fighting. Horrified and scared for both myself and my sister, I ran away from every lion that came close. Dodging attacks and trying to find my way out.
Just as I saw an opening, a lion near me was rammed by a brown looking male. The lion in turn hit me, sending me flying through the air. I lost my grip on my sister as the lion hit me, losing her in the chaos. My head rammed into something hard as I landed, a rock I would guess. All slowly faded to black as I watched the fighting hopelessly.
It was morning when I woke. The sun glistened in my face, causing me to wince. I hauled myself to my paws, catching my breath as pain filled my head. I stumbled only for a moment, trying to ignore my aching head as I stood there confused.
My sister…
My eyes widened in fear as the memories of last night came flooding back. I searched everywhere, but no one was there. None of the lions from the night before, no one. I slumped my shoulders, mentally screaming at myself for being so stupid. Of course it was unsafe. My sister wasn’t here… Logically my brain tells me that someone most have found her and is taking care of her, but my brain was being ignored. It’s what got me in this mess to begin with.
I have nothing left. No reason to go to the pride. This was all for her, to make sure she was safe and would grow into the beautiful lioness I knew she would become. But now, because of my own idiotic actions, she was lost out there.
I slowly stood and stumbled off into whichever direction I was facing. My ghostly parents appeared beside me, seemingly trying to tell me something. But I ignored them, their words meaningless. Every step I took killed any living plant near me.
I went on for what felt like days, not stopping for anything. Not for food or shelter. Nothing. On the second day, I collapsed from exhaustion and hunger. Not knowing when I lost consciousness.

History part 4

I spent years with the male I soon learned was named Hyperion. He checked by once or twice a day, bringing food and training me. The rest of the day he spent somewhere else, doing important stuff as he would say. He never once tolerated disobedience or failure, urging me to obey and succeed in everything he told me to do. His methods were harsh and cruel, but they shaped me none the less.
At 200 years old I sat before Hyperion as a fully trained adult. My face emotionless as I awaited my first task as a full follower of the great Hyperion. Within moments he spoke, explaining my task… Find my own armor. So simple yet I knew what he asked. This wasn’t about me getting armor at all, even though I required it. I have known Hyperion too long to believe it was such a simple task, I know he wanted more. He wanted to see what I had learned and if I had the guts to do what was required of me.
Did I succeed in my task? Well, Hyperion seemed quite pleased as I stepped away from a lifeless lion with the armor they once called theirs as my own trophy.

I spent the next 200 years working for Hyperion, never complaining about the task set upon me or questioning his authority. I was the lonely assassin. A ghost killer as most lions knew me by. A lion that would make a kill and disappear without a trace, as was taught to me by Hyperion. I never once faltered or stumbled in my work, and I think Hyperion prized me for that. In all my years with him I never saw it, the evil that burned within. To me he was like a father, I only ever wanted to make him proud.

History part 6

I barely made it away with my life. I was thus sent wondering through the unknown lands, once again homeless and alone. And for the first time since I lost my sister as a cub, I saw my ghostly parents beside me. They encouraged me once again to find the pride, and that’s just what I did.

I traveled for days, arriving at the pride weak from my wounds. I was taken to a healers where my wounds were treated. The alpha came to see me to decide if I was to be allowed to stay. The scouts I had protected before stood up for me, explaining what I had done for them. In turn I was allowed a chance to stay in the pride. I was told they would test my skills when I was fully healed to determine what rank I would be assigned to.
As I left the healers den after my wounds were finally healed, I saw my sister standing there talking with another lion. My breath was caught in my throat, unsure of what I should do.

History part 3

When I awoke, the first thing I noticed was the hunger that ate away at my stomach. I opened my eyes and was surprised to see I had been moved. Observing my surroundings, I dragged myself to my paws with the little energy I had left. I was in a medium sized cave, the end of which could not be seen through the darkness despite the light shining through the entrance.
I could smell meat, the delectable aroma coming from the back of the cave. But the unnatural darkness sent shivers through my spine. Something wasn’t right…

“You’re right to be scared.” A deep yet smooth voice came from the shadows, seeming almost… amused.

“W-who are you?” I asked, stuttering from fear despite my attempt to sound calm. A lion emerged from the darkness, seeming almost one with it. His black pelt only noticeable by the gold that laced it. His leathery wings were not like those of my sister or father, no feather could be seen on them. His muscles rippled with every movement, and his eyes… Glowing gold like the fire that burned within them.
Every fiber in my body told me to run, to get away as fast as possible. But something intrigued me about this male…

“I am the rightful ruler of the pride, and you are?” He asked.

“M-my name is Kronos.” I answered, a growl escaping from my stomach.
He stared at me for a moment, almost trying to decide if I was worth it. Clearly making a decision, he swiftly turned and snatched up the meat that was hidden in the shadows and dropped it at my feet.
I hesitated. It used to be a Taxon from the looks of it, but I didn’t trust anything anymore.
“It’s not going to bite.” He stated, watching me with a blank look.
I looked up at him, unsure. What was he after? Surely this wasn’t just a kind act from the heart… right?
I glanced down at the meat, my mouth watering at the sight of it. Finally, hunger got the better of me and I took a bite of it. It was that moment I realized just how hungry I was and I gulped down as much as I could eat. Licking my lips, I sat up and looked back up at the male.
He hadn’t moved. Sitting there with his gaze locked on me, lost in thought.
“W-what are you thinking about..?” I asked, shuffling my paws nervously as I gazed at him.
“You,” he replied, “or more specifically what you can do.”
“What do you mean?” I inquired, confused.
“You control the death element, correct?” He asked, waiting for me to nod in response before continuing. “Then you could grow into a very powerful and useful warrior, if trained right… I am willing to offer you a choice. Join me or leave. If you join me I will provide you with food, shelter and proper training. Leave, and… Well let’s just say things won’t be as easy for you.”
I choose to join him, as I might regret later on...

History part 5

I saw his true colors as I turned 400 years old. I watched as he murdered all in sight, no one escaped his cruelty. Not even the innocents. I confronted him about it, asking why he would hurt so many and seem to enjoy it. He dismissed it and gave me another task, and as usual I asked no questions. This new task? To lead a few lions in an attack against a group of pride scouts.

I set out to accomplish my task, traveling for days until we found them. The group of scouts were exactly where Hyperion’s spies said they would be. I gave out oders and we set up to ambush them in the dark, the lions under my lead waited for the signal to attack. But it never came.
I stood there frozen in shock, there in the midst of the scouts was my sister. My mind went blank and I just stared at her, the lions in my group becoming agitated with every moment that passed. They refused to wait any longer and they attacked. We outnumbered the scouts only by a few, some of us with wings some without. All of us deadly. As my sister was attacked by a large male, I forced myself into action. Not against the scouts but against my own group, I defended my sister and only her. Anyone who came close would feel the rage that burned within.

With my help the group of lions I had come with gave up and ran away, back to Hyperion likely to report my behavior. The scouts thus turned to me, I stood uneasy under their gaze for only a moment before I turned and disappeared into the night. They tried to follow me, but it was not long before I lost them and returned to Hyperion. He had been informed of my interference, this did not go well with him to say the least. I attempted to explain myself, why I had stood against the group he had ordered me to lead. He wouldn’t listen. I was called a traitor as he attacked me, fighting with more anger and hatred than I had ever seen before.

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