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History part 1

Noticing her talents, the leader of the pride abducted her in the middle of the night and kept her hidden away with other lionesses with abilities similar to her own. They were forced to fight for the pride in exchange for their lives. Yvaine despised every minute of it. For years she fought for them, leaving those in her path either dead or worse. It wasn’t until the balance of the war shifted into the favor of the rebels that Yvaine saw some hope. She knew that if the pride lost the war, she and the other dream lionesses would have a chance to be free from the tyrannical ruler that forced them to fight day after day. Sadly, that was not to be their fate.
​Merikh saw the shift in the war as well. Fearing the rebels would get their hands on the dream lionesses, he had Yvaine and the other dream lionesses murdered in the middle of the night as they slept. That night, a fog rolled over the land. It crept into every hole, tunnel and crevice, nothing escaped its touch. It snatched the souls that had been lost, and as quickly as it appeared, it was gone. The fog that started as rumor soon changed to a myth, and finally it was lost to history. No one remembered it, and it wasn’t seen again. At least not for a long time.

History part 2

3,000 years since its first appearance, the fog rolled over the loc world once again. Dragging each and every lion into a deep slumber. When the white mist disappeared and the pride awoke, they were shocked to find the sleeping bodies of Yvaine and the other dream lionesses among them. Unlike the pride, however, Yvaine and the other lionesses did not awake. For almost a year the lionesses slept, peaceful as they were beautiful. Until one night when they all awoke, almost simultaneously.3,000 years since its first appearance, the fog rolled over the loc world once again. Dragging each and every lion into a deep slumber. When the white mist disappeared and the pride awoke, they were shocked to find the sleeping bodies of Yvaine and the other dream lionesses among them. Unlike the pride, however, Yvaine and the other lionesses did not awake. For almost a year the lionesses slept, peaceful as they were beautiful. Until one night when they all awoke, almost simultaneously. Since she awoke, Yvaine has adjusted to her new life. She has sided with the pride and has become a warrior. All memory of her past life had been snatched from her since she awoke. Any memory of her past life is but glimpses and a tale told to her from the other dream lionesses. 

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