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L.O.C. Name: Yvaine
Pronounced: ee-v-ai-n
Name meaning: Evening star
Gender: Female
Rank: Warrior - Distractor

Height: 10'5'

Parents: Noone
Siblings: None
Sexuality: Straight
Crush: Secrets ;)
Mate: None
Cubs: None


Yvaine is the most kindhearted and caring lioness you would ever meet. She cares for everyone in the pride, yet doesn’t always show it. Taking on a mother like nature, she often spends her spare time around cubs of the pride. Enjoying the innocent nature the cubs have. She has adopted the pride as her family, and has chosen to proudly fight beside them. Although, she will always feel closest to the other dream lionesses due to their shared past, the pride comes a close second. Charming with a sense of humor, she is a delight to be around. However, don’t be fooled by her sweet nature, she has a short temper and isn’t afraid of a fight. She is skilled in combat, with both physical fighting and elemental. 


Yvaine's element of dreams can be manipulated in a few various ways. She is able to show another lion one of her dreams and can remind a lion of a forgotten dream they once had that made them happy with a touch of her horn. This has caused many lions to come to her when sad or upset in any way, and this ability helps her calm the mind as a defense if someone is angry. She also has the ability to throw dreams out of her horn and into the real world. These dreams take the same see through blue color as her horn but cannot interact with any living being. However, they can move to her will and make noises as if they were real, but if someone tried to touch it they'd pass right through it. Although she is not limited to only things she's had in her own dreams or things other locs have had in their dreams, they take less energy to create then if she tried making something from her own imagination. She is also able to turn bad dreams into a good dream, she may not have complete control over what the said dream is about, but can simply change a nightmare into a good dream. Going along with the last ability, she is able to sense what sort of dream someone is having just by being close the them. Almost being able to feel their joy, fear or sadness from a dream just by walking by. Oftentimes you can tell if she changed your dream from nightmare to dream if you remember seeing a figure of see-through blue in your dream, as that is often what she leaves behind. Most commonly this shape takes the form of a unicorn, however other shapes can occur but are more rare. They often depend on her mood at the time.

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