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History part 1

Adonis was born to a nomadic family. His mother was a death elemental, who often struggled with her gift. His father was a powerful male with the gift of both earth and lightning. Adonis’s sister, Cirilla, was born in the same litter as him. Both of their gifts were unknown, being so young they had yet to discover what elements they had been given. Though Adonis secretly wished for his father’s elemental control over lighting. A couple years later, Adonis gained a little sister his parents named Mirrah.

Being nomads, it wasn’t uncommon to be caught in the crossfires between the rebels and the pride. The rebels were especially cruel to nomadic families, raiding them for what little they had. During such an attack, Ciri was separated from the rest of the family and was not seen again. Her disappearance caused him to grow rather depressed, while his parents were clearly distraught at the loss of their daughter. Mirrah was his only source of joy, the two had grown rather close since Ciri vanished. They shared practically everything with each other, their views, opinions, hopes, and more. Around this time in his life he discovered his element, which was earth despite his hopes to have been given lighting.

History part 3

This changed one day when he was sent to raid a small nomadic group with a few other rebellion warriors. It didn’t seem like anything different at first, just a simple task he’s done hundreds of times... Raid a group of nomads for supplies and return to the rebellion, he had thought nothing of it.

One of his comrades killed a nomad during the raid, an unusually small male with a black coat. One of the other nomads, a brown female with stripes along her coat, became enraged at the sight. She murdered all in her path in her search for vengeance, friend and foe. Adonis had been unlucky enough to stand in her way as she rushed towards the lion responsible for her rage. He fought for his life, but was poisoned by the lioness and left to die.

Hours later, he was found by a nomadic healer. He managed to save Adonis’s life, but his right eye was left permanently blind and useless. After much consideration, Adonis thus wandered the unknown lands. He refused to go back to the rebellion, to the lions who never even bother to send anyone to search for him and his comrades. What little loyalty he had for them vanished in that instant, yet he wasn’t sure where to go.

History part 2

When Adonis turned 124 years old, his family found themselves caught in the crossfires between the rebels and the pride. Such a sight he hadn’t quite seen before, lions of all kinds fighting and tearing at each other with such hatred. In the chaos, Adonis was separated from his family and snatched up by a lion, who hurriedly left the battle. The lion traveled for hours, harshly silencing Adonis whenever he complained. The lion only set him down when he came upon a group of rocks surrounded by lions. Adonis soon found this to be the rebellion, where he was taken to be used as bait to lure the prides into ambushes.


As he transformed into his adult state, he found himself armor and added pelts to it for his own liking. He spent around 50 years working for the rebellion, despite his own lack of loyalty he felt towards them. Staying with them only out of his fear of Arknon. He followed every order and carried out every task given to him, trying to portray himself of a loyal soldier. It worked to say the least. He was viewed as a silent, obedient soldier who followed instructions without complaint.

History part 4

Adonis spent a month wandering the unknown lands and fending for himself. Prey became hard to find in some areas, forcing him to spend days at a time without food. His life grew dull, same thing day in and day out. However, things changed for him when he met Monadæg. He found her half starved to death and fighting infection from a wound on her leg. Yet despite her frail structure, she was beautiful. Adonis helped her as best he could, treating her wounds and catching prey for the both of them. During the time they spent together, they became fairly close and decided to travel together once she was fully healed. Adonis is still unsure how he managed to convince Mona into joining the pride, yet they arrived at the pride’s borders in no time. The pride did not accept them without suspicion, but after they were taken to a psychic it was decided they could stay. Adonis joined the base warriors as a support, soon learning both his sisters were alive and well… More than that, they both had families of their own.

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