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  • Mirrah || Cub Trainer || Sister


Seeing Mirrah alive and well for the first time was like seeing a ghost. For a moment he had thought that the figure before him was his imagination playing tricks on him. How overjoyed he was to see Mirrah was not only alive, but had a mate and cubs of her own. While there was some awkwardness between them after he first joined the pride, they soon regained their close relationship that they were cubs.

  • Cirilla || Warrrior Distractor || Sister


Cirilla was a lion that Adonis was the most surprised to see alive. He had thought for so long that she had died as a young cub, that the fact that she stood before him seemed impossible.  She seemed to be more of a phantom than Mirrah, yet both were alive and safe within the pride. Cirilla had taken a mate and had cubs in the time since the pride took her in, and he couldn’t be happier for her.

  • Monadæg || Nomad || Friend & Crush


Adonis met Mona about a month after leaving the rebels. At first their relationship was a bit rocky, neither one truly trusting the other. Mona wasn’t very social, and upon their meeting she gave him a fake name as she did with most everyone she met. After they had gotten to know each other, they became close friends. While Adonis might not admit it, he has a bit of a crush on her.

  • Nyx || Cub trainer || Friend


While Nyx wasn’t the most social lioness, she took it upon herself to spend time with Adonis after he joined the pride and get to know him. She believes in second chances and understood how Adonis might be treated by the more suspicious members of the pride. She soon became a friend to Adonis and he trusts her completely.

  • Kiani || Healer || Motherly Friend


Kiani didn’t exactly get along well with Adonis at first. While she didn’t jump to conclusions on him based on his past, she did not trust him. After some time, they became close friends. She took on a motherly role with him… One he wasn’t used to, but was grateful for none the less. He trusts her as much as he would his family.

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